The 14 Dollar Carrot

Ever wondered what a 14 dollar carrot would look like?

Wonder no more. here it is:


As it turns out, a 14 dollar carrot looks suspiciously like a regular carrot that somebody cut in half, heated up and put on a plate with a few artful mooshes of unidentifiable shit.

The 14 dollar carrot is what you get when you go to a very fancy vegan restaurant in Philadelphia.

Perhaps some backstory. 

My wife has been a vegetarian for almost a decade and while I support her lifestyle choice, I personally continue to eat meat. Partly because I like meat and partly because most vegetarian/vegan foods taste like what I assume getting a degree in Latin yodeling then being sad for the rest of your life because you're unemployable and in a mountain of debt would taste like if it were food. In other words: disappointing and unpalatable.

Despite the fact that I am not a vegetarian myself, I'll occasionally bite the bullet and try whatever form of weird grass-fed lettuce she wants me to eat for the sake of marital compromise. She tolerates me cooking meatloaf, which even as a person who likes meatloaf I can admit is fucking disgusting, so I figure I owe her one every now and again.

We happened to have a gift card to this fancy vegan restaurant in the city that she'd been talking about trying for ages. We'd never actually made the trip because the place has a reputation for being a bit pricey and I've got the pallet of a third grader, so it wasn't likely I was going to find anything on the menu appetizing. With the gift card though, I thought why not; if I'm going to subject myself to choking down some upper crusty vegan nonsense as a meal at least not having to pay for it makes me feel better.  

I made a reservation a few weeks in advance and surprised Emily with a dinner date in the city. 


I pretty much anticipated the place was going to be  an insufferable den of hipster bullshit and I was not disappointed. It was a veritable smorgasbord of flannel shirts, buddy holly glasses and wrist tattoos of anchors up in there. I felt out of place immediately upon entering the building in that I'm positive they could tell I was an outsider as if I had a visible aura around me that indicated to them that I don't own a fixed gear bike and think Cochella is stupid. The restaurant itself was very nice, but walking in the door was like a way more passive aggressive version of when a city-slicker walks into an old west saloon; If there had been a guy in suspenders and a bowler hat playing a piano he'd have hit a flat chord and come grinding to a halt while everyone in the room turned to glare at me.

I mean, there absolutely was a guy with suspenders and a bowler hat, but he was just there having drinks.

The dining experience was generally as expected; every single ingredient used in every single item on the menu came equipped with its own own resume of qualifications on how vegany it was. This equated to roughly a six hour seminar just to hear the specials. We get it Becky, the tofu is free range, cruelty free, contains no gluten, is organic and donates it's free time to underprivileged urban children on the weekends. We all get to claim moral superiority for the next twenty-four hours for having eaten here over anybody who had the audacity to eat a cheeseburger at a TGI Fridays tonight like a fucking plebeian; Can we please just move on with our lives?

On the bright side, all of the extra time it took to listen to the life story of every vegetable on the menu was offset by extremely fast service; It wasn't five minutes between when we ordered and when our food showed up at the table. I suppose when your entire menu only consists of three different ingredients, one of them is a carrot and the other two are soy paste it doesn't take all that long to prepare a dish so I guess that isn't a huge compliment but credit where credit is due. It may have been some warmed up vegetables, but goddamnit if those warmed up vegetables were not in front of my face pronto.

Here's the highlight reel of the experience from the time we sat down at the table until the time we left:



Everything on the menu was weird stuff. Fancy Radishes? Fuck off. Unless you put little tophats and a monocles on those things and give them a trust fund they're still a shitty mostly tasteless tuberous root that you washed dirt off of six seconds before you fed it to me. Also, I saw someone order the Glazed Romanesco. I don't know what shit you people are trying to pull, but that was a piece of lettuce with some stuff drizzled on it.

I've got to hand it to them at least, looking through this menu, there is not a single item on here that can possibly cost this restaurant more than a dollar a plate. they are successfully charging people out the butthole for this stuff.

Before the Meal


This is the vegan restaurant version of bringing bread to the table. It's 'carrot soup'. It was warm-ish, served in a shot glass and tasted like spicy carrots strained through a tube sock. It had the consistancy of baby food and I did not care for it.



For our meals Emily got the previously depicted 14 dollar carrot and I got this tofu because it enraged me the least out of everything on the menu. No, that is not a trick of perspective, that is in fact a 15 dollar meal consisting of a single piece of grilled tofu only slightly larger than the head of a fork. 

Also whatever this shit was that looked like what you pull out of the bottom of your lawnmower when it gets clogged up.

The one thing I will say is this: The outside of that piece of tofu was fucking delicious. It may have been the single best marinade on a grilled piece of food I have ever eaten. 


No matter how mouthtacular the glaze was, there is a singularly detrimental issue with this dish, which I have depicted in a handy diagram below:

And again for further clarity: 

Not even all of the top hats could disguise what essentially boils down to eating a mostly tasteless lego brick of pressed bean milk. They can grill any flavor they want onto the outside of a piece of tofu but the entire interior is always going to taste like licking a kitchen sponge. I ate it though. So help me I ate it with nary a top hat or monocle to be seen to fancy it up.



If the rest of the meal up until this point was a parade of overpriced pretentious crap where they put a single vegetable on a plate and drizzled a sauce on it, dessert made up for it in spades.

I got this thing that was different toffee, caramel and peanut butter flavored stuff and it was good. Not even like, good for being vegan food. It was regular food good. I couldn't even tell that the dessert had been made of sadness and a sense of moral superiority (the only vegan ingredients left when you remove dairy from an ice cream based treat). I would come back to this restaurant just to eat that.

The thing that looks like a hockey puck of monochrome cat food in coffee grounds I understand was some sort of ice cream with chocolate dusty stuff that Emily got. It was also very good I am told despite perhaps less than stellar curb appeal.

All in all, my expectations were met regarding our dinner at the vegan restaurant. I went in assuming I was going to find the general demeanor of the establishment vaguely annoying, and that I was going to force feed myself something way too expensive that I found moderately appetizing at best. I was correct on both counts.

Emily seemed to enjoy the experience though, and I am not devoid of an ability to at least fake proper dining civility once in a while for her benefit. I doubt I'll be rushing back to any vegan restaurants any time soon, but if you are a vegetarian, vegan, or have an abnormally tiny stomach and some spare cash, you could do a lot worse. I can certainly see why people who, unlike myself, are not complete barbarians would very much like the place.

Robot Dinosaurs and the Sassiest Stegosaurus


I recently attended a sort of class trip to the Franklin Institute with my wife and a bunch of her vet school classmates. There is currently a Jurassic World themed exhibit on display and this anatomy professor who also happens to be a paleontologist organized this extracurricular trip to go see it for any students who might be interested.

First of all, anatomy professor at an ivy league university and an actual paleontologist at the same time? Awesome.  It's like how Indiana Jones is an archaeologist but also a whip wielding, adventure having  badass with a PhD in being fucking rad on the side. This guy is all like "Yeah I teach anatomy at one of the top veterinary institutions in the world and by the way I've discovered and named six dinosaurs. No big deal."

Thankfully, spouses/partners of students who would literally punch a toddler for a chance to see a twenty foot tall animatronic T-rex were invited to attend as well if they wanted. This explains how I got there. No toddler punching was required.

The actual exhibit was not what either Emily or I expected, but it was still pretty goddamn awesome. Emily thought it was going to be a lot of fossils, bones and skeletons, while I was expecting more of a behind the scenes look at the technical stuff that went into making the movies. In actuality it's more of a walkthrough thing that they have set up to make it seem like you are a tourist visiting actual Jurassic World. You follow a little narrative as if you are a VIP guest arriving on the island and visiting different exhibits all the way up until the finale where the giant murder dinosaur gets loose, surprising no one.

While I would have liked to learn more about what actually goes into the creation of the practical and digital effects from the various Jurassic Park Movies, I'm sure as shit not going to complain about a ceiling high fully articulated brachiosaurus head.


I got this idea that it was really funny to take a bunch of selfies where my head is blocking most of the dinosaur, or it's out of focus or something.  It's like there is this enormous, lifelike hybrid marvel of engineering, science and art behind you and you just take a picture where your dumb head is blocking most of it.


Even Emily got in on this one. I kept taking all these crap selfies, until at one point one of her friends asked if we'd like her to take our picture, because she's a normal, polite person. She was all, "Oh, do you guys want me to take your picture in front of the dinosaur for you?" and I was like "Nah." She looked at me like I was kind of a crazy person so I elaborated that I was 'doing a thing' and that 'the pictures being bad is the point'. For some reason my clarification did not help.

In any event I did take at least a few pictures that weren't bad on purpose.


Emily wanted a picture of this baby dino here. This little guy and his mother who's giant legs you can see behind him are one of about 3524894734258 relatives of Triceratopsthat nobody give a shit about apparently because they don't have sick horns and aren't one of the four dinosaurs anyone knows the name of. It's a little sad, really that there are all these dinos floundering in obscurity while that limelight hogging hussy Triceratops takes all the glory. 

It's ok little guy, we know the feeling. We have the same problem with Jason Momoa


He's such a glorious piece of chiseled man-god that nobody gives a shit about most of us in comparison either.

Anyway, this guy was part of the exhibit too who I'm pretty sure is supposed to be the dinosaur they made up to be the uberdino that murders faces in the newest movie


Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think this guy is a he. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a she because all the dinosaurs in the movie were female?... Or did it become a weird hermaphrodite... I don't know. To be honest a lot of the plot stuff they made up about the badguy dinosaur in Jurassic World was pretty shitty.

In any event, there was this whole sequence involving Murdersaurus Rex near the end of the tour, complete with machine gun sound effects and a bazooka where unseen park security presumably shoot it to death horribly in front everyone. Kind of a weird choice in my opinion seeing as it's an exhibit filled with small children but whatever I guess. If the kids don't learn about firing rocket launchers at rampaging dinosaurs now, how will they be prepared when they have to defend themselves against a real velociraptor attack?  

After the giant animations portion they had a bunch more kid friendly/ traditional museum-y displays. Naturally while all the graduate students who came as part of the class trip perused the informational plaques and chatted one on one or in small groups with the professor, I played with a bunch of shit like a child.

I made a 3-D dinosaur of my own creation at a station which let you email it to yourself when you finished. Here he is in all his glory:


Look at that sassy motherfucker. Just struttin' around with his pink ass. God he is so sassy. That has got to be the sassiest stegosaurus ever to fake-walk the digital imaginary landscape of the pretend earth. 

Look at him





That beautiful sassy son of a bitch aside, the last room before you left the exhibit had a bunch of touch exhibits including a station with paper and crayons were kids could make rubbings of some little dinosaur etched slabs they had.

By kids, of course I mean me.


Not only did I make a dino-crayon rubbing at a station where I had to bend double to reach the table because it was sized appropriately for a 7 year old; I goddamn waited in line to do it. I also silently judged the creations of people ahead of me in the process. A yellow t-rex kid? Really? Take that amateur hour shit and get out of here.

 Mine of course is a masterpiece. You see that sweet illusion of perspective you get from that majestic ass foreground dino against the majestic mountain range in the back? It's truly majestic. Everything about this is Majestic. It's literally just shitting majesty all over your eyes right now.

Sassosaurus in my email inbox and crayon rubbing in hand we exited the Jurrassic World exhibit having learned basically fuckall about dinosaurs from the exhibit itself, a bunch of cool stuff from Indiana Professor the anatomy teacher, and having thoroughly enjoyed robot dino fun time.


I'm Definitely Going to be Killed by a Soccer Mom

You know that paranoid feeling you get when someone is driving behind you for a little too long and you start to convince yourself they are following you? Obviously it's just some random person on their way home from work or something and they just happen to be going in the same general direction as you for a while, but that little voice in the back of your head is like: 

"This is it. We're about to be killed to death by rear-view mirror murderer. They're going to stab us in the neck with a sharpened tire iron then cut off all our skin and craft it into a pair of fashionable short shorts."

First of all brain, props on coming up with that sweet headline grabbing murderer name on the fly like that, Rear-View Murderer is dope as hell. But short shorts? That's pretty unrealistic. No self respecting serial killer/ amateur human leather enthusiast is going to be that wasteful. They'd at least get a decent sport coat out of us. Have some pride. 

Skin coats aside, I worry about murderers following my car so much you'd think I was the perky twenty-something female character in the opening scene of literally every shit horror movie ever made. At least three times a week I end up spending five to ten minutes of some car ride somewhere looking in my mirror every four seconds trying to memorize the license plate of the car behind me. Presumably the idea here is so I can scrawl it on ground in my blood with the last of my strength so that when Horatio Caine arrives on at the crime scene he can be like:

"Well, looks like this guy had.... 

a license to be killed..."


It's gotten to the point where I have driven directly past my house and pulled into the parking lot of the business down the street so the car behind me doesn't see me pulling in and know where I live. You know, in case they were just doing the preliminary stalking now and intend to come back later in the middle of the night and kill me then. 

Sometimes I'm afraid this is an escalating problem. Does it start with worrying about cars behind me and by the time I'm forty I have a weird Beautiful Mind conspiracy shed complete with a maniac wall of stings and push pins?  Sometimes I look at older people and see the weird conspiracy theories they come up with about how everyone is out to get them and somebody is stealing from their stash of hard candies and I get real worried about my own future.

Please tell me I'm not alone here and at least someone else out there is as worried about this as I am.

If in ten years any of you guys see me darting through the streets of your town trying to shake off invisible pursuers just call my family and tell them where I am. Or maybe just throw a coat over me to calm me down. I hear that works with rabbits.


Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's day, and my wife decided she wanted to do a collaborative post in honor of the holiday.  She saw one of those cutesy couples quiz things on Facebook where you're supposed to fill in the answers and re-post it to your own wall and thought it would be fun for us to each fill it out to put out on the 14th.

I presume it was an understood given than I was not going to take the thing seriously, but we'll see how mad at me she gets  after it comes out.

As usual when we do these types of posts, both of us did our part independently of one another and I've compiled the answers, unedited into one post. Here you go:

In honor of Valentine's Day, all couples: Make this your status and answer honestly! 


Who's older? 

Emily: Matty

Matt: Chronologically or in a more broad sense? Because my wife is currently attending an Ivy League university to obtain her medical degree in Veterinary medicine while I average four puns an hour and didn't learn how to do taxes until last week.

Who was interested first?

Emily: Hmm. I’d say it was equal. But I always thought he was pretty gosh darn cute.

Matt: I find the wording of this question vague. Interested in what? Cake? If it's cake the answer is me. I was interested in cake first. I hope they meant cake.

How long have you been together?

Emily: 6 years in May.

Matt: Something like six years, but It feels like forever. Good forever though. The kind of forever where you can hardly remember the unbelievably shitty version of the universe that existed when you were alone.


Emily: You know it! Look at that face!

Matt: My wedding ring and tax return would indicate that yes, we are in fact married.

More sarcastic?

Emily: Hah! Definitely Matt!

Matt: Oh for suuuuure it's her. Shes toootally the more sarcastic one.*

* Is there an setting to italics even harder?

Who makes the most mess?

Emily: We contribute in our own ways. But I’d say in general, probably Matt contributes more but he also probably doesn’t recognize when he’s made a mess more.

Matt: I am positive she is going to say it's me, but the fact that one millisecond after she walks in the door every goddamn surface in the house somehow has coats, bags and books piled on them would seem to contradict her assertion.

Who has more tattoos?

Emily: Me

Matt: She does, 2 to 0. I keep getting close to getting one, but then I just think how often I buy a shirt and end up regretting the purchase after the first time I wear it and it stops me from permanently imprinting something on my body.

I'm lookin' at you 'wolf howling at an American Flag' shirt that I bought at Wal-Mart for 8 bucks because I thought it would be funny to wear ironically only to realize it's not ironic and I'm just an asshole.

Better singer?

Emily: It really depends on the genre. I mean normal singing, I’d say him but I have more of a calling for opera than he does.

Matt: You haven't lived until you've heard my wife sing the same two lines of a song at the top of her voice in a fake opera vibrato for two straight days.

Hogs the remotes?

Emily:OMG, MATT!

Matt:The remote is mine. I will fight anyone.

Better driver?

Emily: Me! But he would never admit that.

Matt: It must be Emily. I mean, she's so good at driving that she provides me with an incessant stream of pointers and corrections from the passenger seat of the car at all times. Including, but not limited to reminding me to make the turn into our own driveway.


Emily: We have our strengths. We definitely have the biological sciences covered between the two of us. He has the street smarts. I think it was his time spent in public schooling.

Matt: Again. Emily is in school to be come a doctor. I spent an hour drawing a t-rex dressed like Batman earlier today.

What are your middle names?

Emily: Rose and Douglas.

Matt: Karen and Ragnar the Soul Mangler. You may speculate on your own which name belongs to whom. Hint; mine is Karen.

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Emily: Matt's.

Matt: Mine.

Do you have any children together?

Emily: 3 beautiful babies- Olive Jane, Grifford Danger, and Crosby (AKA Mr. Bird) *

Matt: This is the part where literally every couple on the planet without kids names their pets, right?

* called it

Did you go to the same school?

Emily: The same college for undergrad.

Matt: College, yes

Who is the most sensitive?

Emily: I guess me…

Matt: I would like to abstain from answering this question on the grounds that certain involved parties might be a little sensitive about their sensitivity.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Emily:We don’t eat out very much but if I had to pick, I guess it would be Salad Works or Chipotle.

Matt: As a couple, Saladworks. My shame trips to Arby's I do on my own.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled? 

Emily: Grenada for our honeymoon

Matt: Sedona Arizona, where we got engaged.

*One would assume Grenada where we went for our honeymoon, but I google mapped that shit. Sedona is further from where we live by a few hundred miles.


Who has the worst temper?

Emily: Never me.

Matt: I am as a font of patience and unflappable calm whilst Emily is basically a towering inferno of rage at all times. She is not going to admit this. She is a liar and nobody will believe me.

Who does the cooking?

Emily: When I’m not in school, we split it but now, it’s definitely him!

Matt: It depends. In the instance of who has to wash lettuce for salads it is my responsibility 100% of the time because it is the literal worst thing on the planet and a certain somebody refuses to do it. That certain somebody also won't just eat the goddamned pre-washed kind that I like meaning not only do I have to buy two kinds of lettuce, but I have have to wash dry and chop the shitty romaine even though I hate it and don't want that kind in the first place and spring mix is way better and cant you see your unreasonable lettuce habits are tearing this family apart?!

Other than that we split it fairly evenly though.

Who is more social?

Emily: I’d say it depends on the situation. Probably him.

Matt: Seeing as on a scale of one to ten I'm a troll the lives under a bridge when it comes to social skills I'd say she wins this round.

Who is the neat freak?

Emily: We have different preferences for different things. He hates clutter, I hate dirt.

Matt: I will admit to a problem where I use about 23025 different cups and then leave them, half full of water, all over the house, but I claim innocence on most other tidiness infractions.

Who is the most stubborn? 

Emily: Never me. Even though he probably thinks it’s me.*

Matt: I'm not stubborn. YOU'RE stubborn.

* I do.

Who hogs the bed?

Emily: Griff (!), then him, then Olive. Leaving me with about a foot of bed space by morning! But I get the covers ☺

Matt: She calls it hogging the bed. I call it agressive cuddling.

Who wakes up earlier? 

Emily: Him. I hate mornings.

Matt: Lets just say one of us is regularly still in their pink heart flannel pajamas until two or three in the afternoon.

Where was your first date?

Emily: To a black-tie event with his parents. Where his parents proceeded to tell me embarrassing childhood stories of Matt growing up ☺

Matt: Some sort of banquet for something or other with my parents. Because few men are as smooth as taking a girl on a first date with their mom and dad.

Who has the bigger family? 

Emily: We are fairly equal I think.

Matt: Emily I presume. In actuality it could be fairly even, but my family is quite fond of making people 'dead to them'. So the number of people we are allowed to interact with on my side has dwindled over the years.

Do you get flowers often? 

Emily: Not in the traditional sense. I get a lot of leftover flowered shrubbery from his work added to my garden each spring…the joys of marrying a nurseryman.

Matt: Conventional gender roles dictate that I don't get to get flowers. F*#$ing patriarchy.

Who does the laundry?

Emily: Definitely me.

Matt: My technique for laundry is a highly complex two step process. Step one is wash and dry the laundry. Step two is never fold it ever and just live my life digging a outfits out of an enormous heap in the laundry room. Repeat until dead.

Who's better with computers? 

Emily: Definitely him!!!.

Matt: Me, but being 'better' with computers is not the same thing as being 'good' with computers. That distinction should be clearly noted. I am about one step above your befuddled step-father trying to figure out how to download a .pdf file.

Who drives when you are together?

Emily: We split it fairly evenly except that he does most of the longer trips.

Matt: Typically me.

Who picks where you go to dinner? 

Emily: I hate making decisions so I make him decide and then shoot him down a bunch until I finally decide that I don’t actually want to go out most of the time.

Matt: That's a tough call. Based on all empirical evidence gathered from every conversation about where to eat we've ever had, nobody actually has any preference of where to eat. Ever. Like, not even one time...

Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Emily: Seeing as how he prefers life pants-less most of the time and I’m always freezing, I guess me :P

Matt: I try to spend as little time wearing pants as possible. I have a strict 'pants off as soon as I walk in the door' policy..

Christmas Tree Update

If you're not familiar with the complete beast of a Christmas tree we had this year, you can read this and get up to speed.

Today I took the beast down and got rid of it. I thought I would immortalize it's passing.


Every year I take a piece of scrap plastic from work and use it to wrap my Christmas trees up so they don't shit needles all over my house on the way out the door. It saves me a bunch of cleanup time and keeps me from finding pine needles in my socks in August because as we all know, pine needles, glitter and that fake grass from Easter Baskets are the most adhesive objects in the known universe and can never be successfully removed from any surface.

Of course the thing is so huge it basically just looks like for some reason there was a full sized gorilla in my den and the only thing I could think of to deal with it was to throw a tarp on it. Don't see it? Here:


If only all of life's problems could be dealt with by throwing a tarp over them and pretending they don't exist. Tree gorillas aside, I hauled it out of the house to get rid of it. This turned out to be a whole production in and of itself.


I seriously don't understand how we got it in there in the first place. I had to put my feet on the wall and use my body weight to haul it through that doorway like a cartoon character just to get it out of the room. I'm sure I ruined at least half the branches jamming it through the doorframe as it apparently it got even bigger in diameter from when it went in. Logic would suggest that the branches had settled after we brought it in before Christmas, explaining the trouble i had getting it out. However, I suspect it grew two feet of it's own accord because it's an asshole.

Once it was outside it wasn't too bad at least. For a tree roughly the size of an adolescent rhino it was deceptively light; Possibly due to the fact that I put off dealing with it until almost a month after Christmas and it was so dry I'm surprised a slightly sunny day reflecting through the window didn't cause it to ignite. Or some other reason, maybe. Off it goes to the tree graveyard.

The tree graveyard is this spot in the woods behind our house I take the Christmas tree every year to dump. Apparently putting your tree out in the woods to decompose naturally is good for wildlife that can use it as shelter, but mostly it's just easier for me to huck it in the woods and not deal with it again, so I don't feel like I really get any merit badges on my sash for it. (Do boyscouts get sashes? That seems like it's probably more of a Girlscout thing. Boyscouts should start getting sashes because fuck off, boys can be fabulous too if they want.) 

I also like the tree graveyard because the particular spot I go to is sort of this lip that overlooks a steep hill into the little area where all the trees go. Its really fun to hurl the tree off the cliff and watch it tumble to it's fate. Because I'm nine apparently and get satisfaction from that sort of thing.


You can see the tree from each year we've lived in this house down there, though the one from four Christmases ago is is hard to see at this point. If we ever move I might sneak back here in the middle of the night in January every year to keep throwing Christmas trees off this hill. I want it to be a barren wasteland of old Christmas trees someday, and also I like the though that whoever lives here after me has a little bit of a paranoid breakdown fifteen years from now trying to figure out why Christmas Trees keep appearing in the middle of the night.

Just for reference, if you look a little closer, that's last year's tree being suffocated by the malformed girth of this years tree.

Maybe next year I'll just come back down here and get this one to put up again. It will probably manage to still be green somehow. Out of sheer malice I suspect.