Autocorrect makes me Harpy

Sometimes autocorrect is super embarrassing, like when you text your mother something about whores when you were just trying to tell you how long you had left at work before you'd be coming over to help move a dresser.

Sometimes it happens to someone else, in which case it's always hilarious.

My wife had the misfortune of having autocorrect sabotage her request for dinner.


Now I'm sure what she meant to say was that she wanted me to make her a scramble of eggs and vegetables in a wrap. Her iphone, it it's infinite wisdom decided that she wanted eggs and vegetables on a raft.

I refuse to let it be said that I am a husband incapable of following instructions to the letter.

I responded accordingly.


It should be noted that my lettuce raft construction turned out to be sub par. The S.S. Egg Scramble started taking on water shortly after this image was taken.